our latest news

April 02, 2018

The White Glove Test became popular in the 1950’s, the acid test for cleaning. This test is still referenced even today and rightfully so. It tells the story of your building, the story as if the cleaning is being done properly, and the story which areas are being overlooked by your cleaning company.  You should expect the best from your cleaners and your cleaning contractor.  

Just a few days ago, I was out to eat with a friend, and had to use the restroom.  In true ‘OCD’ fashion, as I am doing my ‘business’, I am looking around at the cleaning.  As I look up at the exhaust fan, the thick dust is begging me to leave a message, which I did.  Standing on the toilet, I took some toilet tissue and simply cleaned (2) slats of the fan cover, showing what clean should look like.  True story, and the high dusting is as important as eye level and low dusting.

- Dust can appear out of no where, but to assist in your fight, here are some great guidelines to follow:

- Contract a cleaning company with a proven track record.  

- Ask for periodic visits from the management of the Cleaning Company, making sure that they are delivering the message back to their cleaning staff.

- Be specific in the scope of service that is agreed upon.

- Make sure your own team is touching things up between cleaning visits.

- Change your air filtration system filters on a regular basis…it helps with the utility costs as well as keeping the dust down.

Royal Services is always available to show you what clean should look like, as well as the tested techniques that you and your business deserve.  Let us help you bring clean to your workplace today and every day.  We LOVE making GREAT first impressions.

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